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Do you use outdoor gear? Owned it at an expensive price. However, some wrong maintenance methods will damage your equipment, so how to maintain outdoor equipment?
I. Cleaning and maintenance of jackets and hiking shoes
1. Cleaning of Jackets:
The most important thing is not to use a washing machine. The dirty cloth of the jacket is made of chemical fiber material, which is easy to remove stains. Soak in neutral detergent for about five minutes. Clean the dirty areas with a soft brush or sponge. After washing, directly hang the clothes hanger without drying.
2. Maintenance of hiking shoes:
Clean the upper regularly. After returning from each activity, gently wipe the dirt with a soft rag or water or detergent. Do not brush with a brush, then place it in a ventilated place to dry, often keep the shoes dry. Avoid contact with sharp objects and chemicals. If the leather surface is worn, (burr edge) can be scraped off with a razor flat, apply a little skin care agent. Normally, the shoes should be protected from exposure to sunlight and fire. After washing, the shoes should be dried in a ventilated place to avoid direct sunlight, so as not to cause aging, deformation, and mesh surface breakage.
Let the boots dry, preferably outside the house to receive direct sunlight. In order to speed up the drying of wet shoes, the shoelaces should be removed, the insoles should be taken out, the boots should be opened to the maximum extent, and the newspaper should be tucked into the shoes to absorb the water. Never place wet boots near heat sources such as fire or heaters. Otherwise, the skin will shrink, leaving your shoes small or leather split. The rubber bottom will melt.
3. Brush off dust with nylon shoe brush. For stubborn stains and salt stains, rinse with water and then brush off. Use an old toothbrush to brush away the dirt in the concealment and gaps. Put baking soda into your boots to get rid of moisture and odor.
4. If the skin looks very dry and begins to lose its color, you should moisten it as soon as possible to prevent it from cracking. Consult the shoe manufacturer and use the method recommended by them.
5. Use chrome steel to remove the rust on the metal.
6. Once your boots are cleaned as new, keep them in a cool, dry, dark place for next use.
II. Cleaning and maintenance of the backpack
1. During the camping period, the backpack should be tightly closed. At night, you must use a backpack cover to cover the backpack. Even in sunny weather, dew will still wet the backpack.
2. The camp can put the empty backpack under the feet and put it outside the sleeping bag, insulated from the cold ground to improve the sleeping temperature. When you come back, you must clean the backpack. If it is too dirty, you can use a neutral detergent to clean the backpack and put it in a cool place to dry it. Avoid exposure for too long. Because ultraviolet rays will damage the nylon cloth, you must still pay attention to basic maintenance during the hike.
3. When the backpack is scratched, it is necessary to sew it immediately. The thicker needle thread is used. The needles used to sew the seat cushion must be sewed firmly. The nylon thread can be baked with fire.
4. The collection backpack must be in a cool, dry environment to avoid mold damage to the waterproof coating of the outer layer of the backpack cloth. Check the main supporting points on weekdays, such as the waist belt, shoulder straps, carrying the stability of the system, to avoid the deterioration or hardening of the pad, but the zipper should be replaced. Do n’t wait until the thing slips out of the backpack.
Hope all suggestions can help you!